Monday, 28 September 2015

NIRVAIR KHALSA JATHA STATEMENT EXPOSED (Copied from facebook page that was taken down)

I have no connection with any parties as I simply copied and pasted this statement made from the victims Facebook page, apologies for any errors in copying and pasting. 
PART 1 -
***VICTIMS Comments to “NKJ Statement 28th February 2015”***
The below is a detailed response to the statement that was released on Harinder Singh’s Nirvair Khalsa Jatha facebook page on the 28th February 2015
Lets take a look at what Harinder has said and what the victim has advised to reply with
The victims responses will be under Victim 
If you want the facts, read the below in full and learn about the truth. In here are the foundations of the reality behind a mastermind plan to stop Gurmat Parchar, facts provided from the Sangat, for the Sangat.
28 February 2015
The reality behind this is certainly no mastermind. The victim is a 18 year old boy. This type of language is very manipulating and a blatant attempt to cloud the sangats judgement by indicating a big Conspiracy has taken place. 
The victim endorses Gurmat parchar, but was sexually assaulted and groomed so he feel it’s his duty as a human being to share this with our community and save other potential victims.
A mobile phone and a camera was all it took to record some evidence, hardly a mastermind 
There is no doubt that many within the nation do not take the steps to initiate Gurmat Parchar in the fear that when the masses begin to listen, there will always be those who are waiting to bring them down. Those behind such activities may well be Sikhs with a difference in views, Sikhs playing into the hands of external anti-Panthic forces or so-called “Sikhs” concocting allegations merely due to envy. Either way, the disappointing fact is when Sikhs themselves are the ones used as the tools for these campaigns.
Again, the victim believes extremely manipulative words are being used here such as the word campaign? The only tool he has is the truth and that is driving him to speak out against the assault that had taken place.
In regards to Parchar, initially he thought the parchar was fantastic, but when he saw a different Harinder Singh to the one on stage, this happened so quickly and in a place where Harinder could use the environment to his advantage and perform his ‘kaam/lust test’ and sexual assault 
The victim is not anti panthic and certainly doesn’t envy Harinder Singh, not in his wildest dreams
Sikhs residing in the UK will have recently heard rumours circulating within the community of shocking, unbelievable and absolutely disgusting allegations being levelled by an 18 year old male adult (unnamed, referred to as 'accusing adult'), against the youth Parcharak Harinder Singh of Nirvair Khalsa Jatha UK.
The word youth parcharak is used to describe Harinder, but the word adult is used to describe an 18 year old young male. The author of Harinders statement uses the word ‘accusing adult’ but the victim would like to refer to the unnamed as ‘Victim’
Yes the victim agrees, this is shocking, disgusting but very believable as he’s been assaulted and because of the factual evidence that dispalys Harinder’s off stage secret activities
The sickening allegation made by the male adult is that Harinder Singh has committed immoral acts of an indecent nature with him.
Agreed, but it’s the truth
Nirvair Khalsa Jatha UK categorically denies these unverified allegations entirely and strenuously believes the fairytale story is the result of a pre-planned illegal set-up created by certain members of the community being used as puppets in a wider scheme to hinder Gurmat Parchar to the new generation of Sikh youth.
As expected, a predicted response. Again, manipulative brain washing language used such as Fairy tale 
which looks like a sarcastic attempt to defame the victim. Fairy tales are enjoyable, the only word the victim can use to describe this ordeal is horrific.
The only planned part of this ordeal was between the morning of Friday the 23rd January, and the evening of Wednesday the 28th of January. During this time onwards, watsapp messages were saved and calls were recorded. 
The victim used the initiative to gather this evidence. This was done to save the next generation of Sikh youth, certainly not to hinder parchar.
Harinder Singh is well-known for his easy-to-understand Parchar in English and Punjabi and his down-to-earth and approachable nature when not on stage. Ultimately, with the blessings of the Almighty, this has allowed for numerous Sikh youths to become acquainted with Harinder Singh, engage with him “on-a-level” and progress their Sikhi. Unfortunately, on this occasion, this nature has been taken advantage of in what is believed to be a highly professional and pre-planned set-up by a select group of people.
Again, there is no pre-planned set up with a wider group, I gathered my own evidence. The victim feels the approachable nature of Harinder Singh is all part of the grooming process that he employs.
Only the victim’s nature was taken advantage of
Upon hearing the allegations being made against him, Harinder Singh who at the time was on a two-month trip in India purchased new tickets on standby to return to the UK in order to openly answer the false accusations being made.
The victim was told that a Mr Jaspal Singh, of whom the victim has met, that Baba Ranjit Singh had sent Harinder back to clear his name as it would stain both of their reputations. The victim expected nothing less and thanks Mr Jaspal Singh for this part of his involvement.
A Panthic meeting was arranged for 6pm Saturday 21 February 2015 at Midlands’ Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara, Smethwick. Whereas the accusing adult until the very last minute was altering plans of whether to attend or not, the demand he wanted to be in a separate room, the demand he wanted a small selected number of people to attend etc was in contrast to Harinder Singh’s request that every main UK Panthic Jathebandi be invited to listen to and analyse the so-called evidence and hear the testimonies from both parties, but strictly within the presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. Harinder Singh had brought with him his father and family members, but the accusing adult did not bring any family member. His background is unknown and he was brought to the Gurdwara Sahib by a group called “Lionz Den Derby”. No blame has been put on the Derby group of any malicious involvement in order to maintain Panthic unity, as often the song writer is not the same as the singer, but it was widely discussed within the Sangat and between a number of Panthic Jathebandia that there is transparently malicious intent behind the entire defamation plan and the inner circle involved is being investigated right down to the roots. No one from the music industry, as certain parties are trying to state, have been accused as having a part to play in the campaign at this moment in time.
Panthic Jathebandia, highly respected Panthic personalities and learned members of the Sangat heard the testimonies from both sides, followed by the telephone audio recordings. Before even hearing the recordings, Harinder Singh had answered every single allegation in detail and told the chronological order of events from the first day the accusing adult met with the Jatha, to the last day when he had invited the Singh’s to his living quarters in Birmingham. Questions raised about “mouth-to-mouth”, “touching”, “stick” etc were answered in detail and it became apparent how various discussions between Harinder Singh and the accusing adult on different ‘question and answer’ subjects had been moved around. An attempt has been made to bring in the good name of Parcharak Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale, however the contents and context do not make sense (e.g. Baba Ranjit Singh did what to Harinder? When Harinder is talking about Simran at Darbar Sahib and Simran experience with Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa, they have manipulated this into some other inappropriate activity). The credibility of this fairytale story was weakened by the fact that approximately 10-15 hours of telephone conversations took place over 6 weeks in which Harinder Singh had answered numerous personal questions in accordance to Gurmat raised by the accusing adult, but only around 40 minutes of that audio had been produced, all in small snippets without correct startings or endings to put all conversations out 
of context. As a minimum, at least 3-4 hours of this is believed to have been after the so-called “incident” date. Furthermore, this misconstrued “evidence” was covered with sound noise to hide overlays from cuttings of different conversations at different points in time.
Time and Date Agreed
This was not a panthic meeting, nor was it an open invitation. Mr Jaspal Singh had arranged this meeting on the victims request and had a ‘selected list of people’ that the victim wanted their and that Jaspal Singh thought would be worthy of looking at the evidence in a fair and unbiased manner. 
The reason for this was to keep the meeting controlled and talk to respected Gursikhs that were selected.
The victim was told that there should be no more than 20 odd people at the meeting as a maximum and agreed this number could be flexible to a few extra on either side.
The Victim had not altered the plans at all. The police were informed of the incident on the same day as the meeting. Once this got back to some of the people attending, it was recommended that the meeting be cancelled but it still went ahead because it was very short notice to cancel. In hindsight the victim would have not gone to the meeting altogether had he known the way he was going to be treated. 
It is standard practice that a victim is not supposed to be making contact with the Molester, which can be very emotional and very distracting. Hence the victim asked for another room for Harinder to sit in as he gave his statement, and was also willing to do the same on Harinders statement. The main point of the meeting was to hear the evidence in full. 
As the meeting was arranged by Mr Jaspal Singh, the victim understood that any changes or increase in numbers should have been communicated back to him out of common courtesy. Mr Jaspal Singh arrived 30 mins before the victim and did not inform him or anybody from Derby over the dramatic increase in numbers at all which the victim feels was a set up. 
Harinder attempted another psychological game by requesting Maharaj’s saroop to be present. This was in the victims opinion a very blasphemous move to make as he feels Harinder only requested Mahraj ji to be there to convince others he was telling the truth and sway them on his side.
Harinder failed to mention that he had already spoken to many youth from the Birminham and Coventry area before the meeting even took place and was questioned by youngers and elders on why he hits people’s Penis’s with a stick? Why was this not mentioned in the statement that he already knew some of the allegations before he even got their?
The audio file was leaked by somebody to the sikh help line prior to the meeting taking place. The victim understands that the sikh help line very unprofessionaly talked to members of the sangat about this and also to Mr Randhir Singh of Sangat TV, which was confirmed at the meeting by Giani Sukha Singh, but he states he did not pass this info on to anybody else which the victim accepts unless anybody can state otherwise?
The victim believes Giani Sukha Singh recorded the meeting? If so is there an audio available? All members at the meeting were asked to leave there mobile phones at the front if they were recording and a few mobile phones were then placed at the front so somebody must have the recordings?
It seemed that Harinder has a remarkable memory, he talked and justified the contents in call recording 4 (The long 30 mins recording) with an order that was very very accurate. So accurate that it seemed like he had been tipped off? But now he is saying its not him and its been edited? Please can somebody provide the audio from that day which will expose the tales in Harinder Singhs statement? The audio should also state that Harinder confessed into lining up a group of men and hitting certain parts of their body including the penis which he referred to as the W’s.
Again why is the audio not being presented? If no audio can be provided where are the silent sangat who were their? 
The only people who saw and heard the evidence infront of the ‘victim’ that have ties to Harinder before the meeting took place are 3 individuals 
The victim likes to point out that 3 individuals had also seen a short video clip of Harinder saying ‘He’s feeding us willies’ During his arranged visit to the victims room at Aston university on wed 28th January. 
How did Harinder Singh, in his statement at the meeting know to mention this if he wasn’t tipped off? Rumours 
of voice calls went back to Harinder but the only people who saw the video clips that have links to Harinder are 3 people. This was impossible for Harinder to know unless he was told about a video clip from somebody that saw it 
The Victim was accompanied by a group of Singhs from Derby, they do not want to be labelled as from a group, they are sangat like everybody else and want the truth to come out. 
The victim to this day, has still not told his Father as he is a single parent who maintains the up keeping of their home and family, and feels his dad would be devastated. This is a very irrelevant point, as it’s the victims choice. The Victim feels that Harinder Singh knew that his Father wouldn’t be there, so by Harinder bringing his own father it puts him at an advantage infront of the sangat? It makes no difference, the evidence is the real focus and always should have been 
In regards to Panthic respected personalities, sadly the victim feels this is a matter of opinion. On arrival at the meeting the victim felt betrayed as over approx 60 people were present. The Victim voiced his concerns but ‘some’ of the panthic personalities were very dismissive and said he needed to talk infront of everybody including the same person who sexually assaulted him. This was not fair, it was bullying and very unreasonable and unethical to say the least. 
For some of the personalities to make the victim talk infront of Harinder was very unprofessional and the victim felt pressured and bullied. However the victim was very confident in his evidence so he began to give his version of events. During the point of the sexual assault, the victim burst into tears. 
Somebody from the sangat asked If the members present could have a bit more sympathy for the young male which was refuted by an elderly gentleman who stated that he has no sympathy for the victim because of the allegations he made. The victim felt horrified that this was said as he took his case to the Sikhs in good faith, which further enforced the reason why the meeting should have been in front of smaller neutral numbers.
The victim does not know what type of organisation he was from or what his name was but would appreciate it very much if somebody can point out who he was then the victim can make an official complaint to any professional body/organisation that he may have represented. The victim cried and the professionals in the sangat just watched. However a Mr Jagjit Singh from Wakefield asked for a time out and mentioned that the meeting shouldn’t have been conducted in the way that it was which gave the victim some re-assurance things might get better, which they did as some of the meeting members left the room. 
During the time out, a member of Harinders side which the victim believes to be a Mr Gurpreet Singh threatened the victim by tapping his pen on his own forehead aggressively infront of the victim which the victim took as a gesture which meant a ‘bullet in the head’ .
The victim has stated that Mr Gurpreet Singh then said to the victim ‘you just watch’ 
Harinder’s statement is untrue that the recordings were listened to. Only the 2 short 5 minute recordings were played, and no watsapp messages, video footage, or the complete recordings were looked at in any detail. Harinder had his phone with him and was scrolling through the messages which he said some of them didn’t match up to what was presented to him on the day in the form of a print out. But Harinder is suggesting the evidence is fabricated so how come he is picking and choosing what is fabricated and what isn’t? The police have the victim’s phone so any fabrications in calls or text messages can be analysed and the liar will most certainly be caught out. The Victim has given his phone to the police, Will Harinder voluntarily do the same please? 
In the statement it says that Harinder had answered the questions in regards to mouth to mouth and the hitting with the stick allegations /touching allegations which you can clearly hear in the call.
Please can Harinder give these explanations today and will they match up to what was said in the meetng? Harinder please explain why you touch the male penis with a stick and where in Gurmat we are taught to do this? 
Also please can you explain what you mean in regards to mouth to mouth Simran and why you cant do this to a bibi if its one of the Sikhs simran methods? This implies its ok to do to a boy? Please explain, or is this fabricated too? 
Harinder brings Baba Ranjit Singh into this, not the victim. If Harinder is referring to Simran why did he say he didn’t speak to nobody for 6 months after his so-called Simran ordeal and with Ranjit Singh and understands why the victim ran away and how he is feeling? Please explain? Also please explain 5 blows in the mouth, and 
also why Harinder said the same thing exactly happened to him by baba Ranjit Singh when asked by the victim? Please explain? This was not refuted by Harinder on the call but he has now said this has been manipulated? Please share how this is even possible? 
Another strange comment in Harinders statement is, quote:
‘The credibility of this fairytale story was weakened by the fact that approximately 10-15 hours of telephone conversations took place over 6 weeks in which Harinder Singh had answered numerous personal questions in accordance to Gurmat raised by the accusing adult, but only around 40 minutes of that audio had been produced, all in small snippets without correct startings or endings to put all conversations out of context’
Why would the victim be recording for 6 weeks when he has clearly stated he only began recording after the assault between Fri 23rd January – Wed 28th January. Bringing 6 weeks into it was a very poor and irrelevant point to make? Please explain why ‘tany previous audio’ would have been recorded?
Also it was never claimed that the victim recorded every single minute and second of every single telephone call as he was using the calls to be recorded from free downloadable software. However the police are the judge and jury to examine this when the pin code requests come back on both telephone numbers which we should leave to the police as an obvious thing to do. 
In terms of the sound noise, this dispalys there can be no tampering and if this was infact fabricated it would be crystal clear instead of natural back ground sound. Also how can it be possible to mix and match the conversations in exactly the way somebody would want/dream them to go? This is impossible!! Harinder has suggested its mixed and matched so HE AGREES ITS HIM TALKING!! What Harinder is suggesting happened is the work of an absolute genius! Lets take the view of a professional:
Please see the below from a statement made by DJ Stin with over 25 years of experience in the industry. 15:55 Friday the 27th February 
Not been on here for a while and won't be for a while again as just putting things down in other areas but to all those saying "It's a fake recording..." Get the fuck outta here.
As someone who has worked on and edited audio for the past 25 years or so, even for broadcast, I can tell you straight, do not have anything to suggest they are manipulated. 
As he said in the video, he is straight to the point, just be honest and admit it is true Singh, no one can hide the truth from Akaal. On one hand man states he isn't a Baba and then states he has given "bakshish" to activate Simran in someone through lip service. Listen to that in your own head, dies that does that sound right? 
Bottom line sheeple, I always think are the actions of "panthic" leaders / parcharaks that of what old skool Singhs of Maharaj's era would have done? 
My hero in life is Dhan Dhan Baba Deep Singh, would he line his fauj up and fondle their privates? Helllllllllll no. So who is this Singh to do f'd up ish like that?
Bottom line, stop making a mockery of the Khalsa mate, what you guys are doing isn't the Khalsa way. How your head office Baba could openly cuss Maryada of other Singhs and even Babbu Maan, yet justify cutting a man's Kesh and probably will defend your Waheguru lip activation service baffles me. If the high profile Pakhandi Sadhs went around "activating" Naam Simran through kissing men/women/children/animals/micro organisms, peeps would be calling for their heads. What's the difference now?
And before the cheley start, I have been part of one of these cults and got out at the right time. My Sikhi is my own personal connection with Akaal that wasn't activated in no physical way but through a mental spiritual connection. I am but a kalyugi jeev with 000000's of faults so slander my ass as much as you want but I won't let you tickle it you pervs tongue emoticon
PART 2 -
It must be noted here that at the start of the meeting, an esteemed member of the Sangat stood up and asked both Harinder Singh and the accusing adult if this matter should be dealt with by the Police, or there in the court of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and within the Panth as a community matter. Both Harinder Singh and the accusing adult had agreed the issue should be dealt with there and then, on that day within the Panth, and the Sangat should decide after drilling both individuals to ascertain the facts of the matter. It was the accusing adult and his team who questioned what was the point of them coming there if they did not want the Panth to deal with it in the first place. Later, as the meeting was nearing conclusion and the obvious facts were becoming transparent, the discontent accusing adult decided to walk out of Guru Sahibs Darbar saying “the Panth can do what it wants and I will do what I want”. This was witnessed by respected personalities present. The accused adult was absolutely adamant, his sole aim and want was to stop the Parchar indefinitely.
Harinder mentions that an esteemed and respected personality started off the meeting and asked both to stand up infront of the sangat. He is referring to Bhai Manjit Singh Ji
If Harinder respects Bhai sahib, lets see what Harinder thinks of bhai sahibs statement below:
This is an official message from Bhai Manjit Singh Ji regarding Nirvair Khalsa Jatha allegations.
"My message is in response to the Nirvair Khalsa Jatha message which has widely been circulated this morning. The message suggested that ALL present at the meeting were in complete agreement that NKJ had done nothing wrong,that the accusations were baseless and parchaar should continue unabated.THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. After hearing both sides to me it was evident that although the 
'victim' had flaws, discrepancies in his version of events, certain Gurmat protocols had clearly been violated. Whether this was intentional or not, these issues needed addressing. It was agreed and I stressed this in no uncertain terms that this matter needs to be pursued rigorously by 5 Singhs. While such an investigation is in process no parchaar should be taking place. Upon conclusion of the investigation, regardless of the outcome if Guru Maharaj and the 5 Singhs decide that parchaar can continue then in light of the violation of Gurmaryada, guidelines and clear boundaries should be put in place for the future. However, messages circulating from the NKJ camp post meeting fail to include any of this. In fact my name has been used to give weight to the brushing under the carpet. I am horrified that the NKJ and its supporters would deceive the Sangat in such a way. Once again, my stance is explicit. Serious misconduct has transpired and this needs confronting, challenging and resolving. If NKJ are to continue with their programs, there must be a set of guideline that do not allow this to happen again. I will stress this again to the NKJ, do not use my name in your correspondence with the Sangat, particularly if you are not prepared to broadcast my opinions and recommendations." Manjit Singh Khanowal
Just on a side note of typing this response, its 20:33 on Sat 28th Feb and Harinder has alrerady changed his statement numerous times. Will try and keep up to date with the changes but the victim will only ever respond to his ORIGIONAL statement. Not the edited one that is constantly changing
Yes of course the victim was adamant that he wanted Harinder banned from doing parchar on stages. This is because he has been sexually assaulted. The victim fears that he is not the only one, and Harinder is using Guru Ghars to lure in sangat and then choose his prey.
Over 50 people were present at the community meeting. The following are some of the Panthic Jathebandia and respected personalities who were there and can be approached for further information on what transpired and who they are supporting and not supporting, and their views on the matter (many of whom gave constructive advice to NKJ also): Amrik Singh Gill (Chair, Sikh Federation UK), Joga Singh Babbar (Co-or
dinator, FSO), Jathedar Balbir Singh Babbar, Manjeet Singh, Sukhraj Singh (Sikh To Inspire), Jagjit Singh (AKJ, Bradford), Hardish Singh (Sikh Federation UK), Balwinder Singh Chaheru (Tividale), Malkit Singh Tehang (President, Smethwick Gurdwara Panthic Committee), Rajinder Singh Purewal (AKJ & Panjab Times), Lashminder Singh Dalewal, Randhir Singh (Sangat Television), Kulwinder Bir Singh (Coventry), Jitta Singh (Southampton), Jaswinder Singh Banka, Guru Har Rai Gurdwara Committee, Gyani Sukha Singh (Sikh Helpline), Jaswinder Singh Ubhi, Bin Singh (BOSS) among many others present. Note that those who questioned both individuals consisted of respected people selected by the accusing adult’s team.
Along with Harinder Singh’s family, there were countless Singh’s there who have known him and stayed with him for 10 years, 5 years, 2 years etc, but the one accusing adult manages to invent allegations, make recordings, edit messages etc all in the space of 6 weeks’ contact.
There are certain agencies who are unhappy with the growing number of Sikh youth in the UK coming into Sikhi as a result of many UK-based youth Parcharaks, and they are using tools within the Panth to hinder Gurmat Parchar using any means necessary. Harinder Singh has recently been vocal about how elements within the music industry are having a negative impact on Sikh youth, spoken against smoking, alcohol and going to clubs. It seems certain elements within the community have been offended. There is factual evidence to suggest some people in particular may have a big part to play in this project, but legal advice is being taken at this moment in time. As one individual put it at the meeting upon hearing the testimonies and evidence from both sides, the nail is separate, the drill is separate and the electricity feed is separate.
All the victim would like to say after Bhai Manjit Singh Ji’s statement is 
Also below is the original list of people selected: There will also be a picture of this at the end of the status:
Gurmail Singh Kandola
Joga Singh  Sukhraj Singh + maybe 2 others
Bin Singh (Boss)
Rajinder Singh Purewal 
Hardish Singh (Federation)
Jagjit Singh (Bradford)
5 Derby Singhs
3 Cov singhs
Chaheru Leicester
Randhir Singh 
+ Then 7 of Harinders Jhata in addition to possibly his Father
There may be certain agencies against the Sikhs and the victim also opposes any such agencies. 
Harinder then goes on to say:
There is factual evidence to suggest some people in particular may have a big part to play in this project, but legal advice is being taken at this moment in time. As one individual put it at the meeting upon hearing the testimonies and evidence from both sides, the nail is separate, the drill is separate and the electricity feed is separate. Many fake accounts on social media have been created
as part of the defamation campaign, but the few individuals active are not able to point out that not one direct question was put across to Harinder Singh by the accusing adult. There are just a number of recordings that start halfway through and then left open for interpretation of the Sangat.
Although the matter was closed at the meeting and it was decided the Parchar should continue, due to the accusing adult proceeding with what is now believed to have been the original intention (a pre-planned social media propaganda campaign) and the huge response to the allegations by 
supporters worldwide, for the information of the Sangat, Harinder Singh will disclose the true sequence of events as was disclosed to Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Sangat at the meeting. If Harinder Singh had anything to hide, there was no reason for him to return to the UK from India within 48 hours of the allegations being made. A response directly from Harinder Singh will be made available shortly, but in the meantime, the following are just some questions that raise concerns to the credibility of this same old propaganda campaign that is seen to be created against many Parcharaks every few years, time and time and time again:
Harinder please elaborate and don’t talk in riddles. Once again the victim feels this is another conspiracy theory that the manipulative Harinder is trying to plant in peoples head. The victim is not part of any agency nor does he know anybody who is part of an agency. The bottom line is Harinder cannot accept the fact he sexually assaulted the victim and the victim started recording evidence from his phone after this incident. There is no genius or mastermind behind this, just wait until the police report comes once evidence has been investigated 
1) If the accusing adult was so traumatised after the so-called sexual assault in a family home full of people in Southall, why did he not immediately make a scene and inform the neutral family/locals? Further, if he had run-away from the house on that day, why did he not inform the Police immediately of such serious criminal allegations? Apparently he first contacted a Facebook page made by a group in Derby???
1)Yes the victim was traumatised but we all deal with trauma in different ways. The victim felt he could not approach anybody in the house so he sneaked out and ran away just as Harinder suggests in the messages and voice calls without any prompt
Instead of informing the police he didn’t think anybody would believe him so he rang through to some contacts who put him through to some singhs in Derby who Harinder refers to as the facebook group page LionzDenDerby which is currently closed due to complaints of sharing some of the victims evidence. This was clarified on the day too, how and why the contact was made. 
They said to the victim that they cant take it to anybody without proof because nobody would believe it without evidence and to inform the police so the victim decided to start recording as much as he could from Friday the 23rd of January to wed the 28th January 
2) Four weeks after the alleged “incident”, there has been no Police investigation till date, even though empty threats were made by the so-called “victim” that the matter had been forwarded to “Scotland Yard” on 20/02/15. When requested for a crime reference number by members attending the Panthic meeting, nothing was produced, at which point the Jathebandia suggested the meeting be postponed to avoid hindering any possible investigation. However, the accusing adult requested the Panth deal with the issue there and then, but is now claiming again the “Scotland Yard” is handling the matter. If the Police are involved, why has so-called “evidence” been published all over social media that may well interfere with a Police investigation?
2) In terms of Harinders statement claiming there is no police investigation to date, a contact from Scotland Yard advised on the case on the 21st of FEB, the same day of the meeting and not the 20th of FEB. The contact in Scotland yard was aware on the 20th of FEB a case was coming their way but the first discussion took place on Sat the 21st February. The victim feels Harinder should stay quiet in regards to insinuating the police has not been informed, he may be embarrassedly surprised. The evidence was leaked on the net and quite frankly the victim doesn’t know who originally leaked it. This doesn’t take away the fact there is a sexual assault. Even if this is never proven, the parchar in his voice recordings 
is horrendous and heavily breaks some sikh rehet/code of conduct.
3) If the evidence is crystal, then why does the majority of Sangat not believe the fairytale? In one of the audios, another audio overlapping another can be heard. There is the introduction of a female voice for a couple of seconds during one part in the recording, evidently a mistake during the tampering process. When this discrepancy is noted, excuses will understandably be made by the accusing adult.
3) Again, the victim feels the language used is too cunning and manipulative. The fact of the matter is the victim feels a lot of your existing following are starting to see Harinder for what he is, the rest have blind faith in you and one day will find out the truth. The victim feels he cant be the only person this has been done to, and feels its only a matter of time before others come forward.
Now lets get into the audio, something again that was cleared in the meeting, but this seems to be his main defence suggesting fabrication.
The victim could not record telephone conversations on his Motorola phone (just like you cant on the iphone) whilst on the line. So he had to download an app called ‘call recorder’. You cannot send ANY recording you just recorded directly ‘from that app’ to another person’s phone. (download and see)
You can only ‘listen’ to the recording. 
So what the victim had to do was put his phone on loud speaker and play what he recorded from the app so that he could then record this conversation from his sisters mobile phone device. Whilst
recording, his sister tried to back come in the room and he asks her not to come in. Please go and listen. Also the victim has said DO YOU NOT THINK IF THIS WAS DONE IN REAL TIME, HARINDER WOULD HAVE SAID ‘WHO IS THAT’? ‘WHATS THE NOISE?’ ‘WHO’S VOICE IS THAT?’ 
Furthermore, you will see why the recording loops itself in recording 4. Now that you can see how this was transferred from the phone app called 
 ‘call recorder’ to another phone, lets dissect the recording to show Harinders claims are false.
App name – call recorder
If you listen to calls 1 and 2, you will notice the app cuts at approx 5 mins and 9/10 secs. This is in perfect correlation between the first 2 calls. The victim realised he needed to get a better app that records for longer so he did. 
Once the victim started recording the longer call from another device Harinder actually rings his phone which disrupts the call being played and introduces another call , which is call 5. You can actually HEAR THIS ON THE RECORDING! 
At 17mins and 15 secs the recording cuts because Harinder rings and then a new recording starts. However this recording resumes at 23:01 
(You can even hear the victim say its Harinder Singh recording in the voice calls)
Call 5 
G- Yh you alright 
G- how you doin man 
H- Good, how you doin 
G- Just chilling at my mates house, still but like 
H- oh serious 
G- what you up too 
H- i’ll speak to you later 
G- Na you can chill he’s gone out, getting me a drink probably be back in a couple of minutes, was it important 
H- No No I just phoned audhey to see how you are 
G- Im alright, What you up to 
H- Nothing in it, just chillin 
V- where abouts are you 
H- Im at home, im on my own 
G- Oh Coventry 
H- Yeahh Coventry, are you at your cousins? 
G- na just at my family friends house in it, just had roti and stuff like that 
H- In Birmingham 
G- Yh in Birmingham 
H- aww that’s good , will they drop you off to uni? 
G- Yh Yh , they’l drop me off in a bit 
H- Aww that’s nice in ittt 
G- Yh like soo,but we already ate and stuff 
H- You’re a little rat you are 
G- Why? 
H- Just 
G- I already ate, and then we watching this film called convict 
H- Oh yh 
G- Have you seen it? 

H- yhh sikk 
G- We basically bouts to watch that now 
H- you about to watch it 
G- Yh, basically just started , the title just came up , he went to get a drink and then a… probally watch it for half n hour and then go 
H- Is he your age or older? 
G- Na Hes about 21 
H- acha hes younger 
G- No older 
H- No older older acha, keep thinking your older than 21 
G- Na 
H- chalo tusi dekho and ill speak to you tomorrow then , your gona go simran tomorrow In it? 
G- Yh hopefully ill try my best to make my way down there, where is it again? 
H- No No the Singhs will pick you up 
G- The only thing is, what time is it again? 
H- its 7 til 8 
G- I don’t know I might have do do summat in the evening but , ill definitely let you know in the morning 
H- we only have 2 more programmes man 
G- Where are the programmes? 
H- West brom! 
G- At the Gurdwara? 
H- yhh its 2 more programmes left before we go 
G- Cool, ill let you know by the morning man 
H- Yh alright ill speak to you in the morning 
To pick up from where the call was before Harinder rang, it resumes at approx. 23mins 1secs
The victim goes back to the original call 4 and resumes a little before it cut out incase he misses anything. The remainder of this call is then none interrupted and plays to the end with both saying they love each other. Like the victim is saying let’s get this looked at? If Harinder is not lying lets get this done?
PART 3 -
4) Why is there a clear cut of Harinder Singh’s voice when one of the key allegations involving Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale is made? Sound experts have been shown the recordings and feedback is cutting and overlaying has taken place.
4) The victim has said this is pure lies. Please let the sangat recommend 10 independed sound specialists and lets ask them publicly to appear on Sikh channel and give their verdicts? The victim is willing, are you? Please name your sound experts? Do they have 25 years of history like DJ Stin?
Lets clear this up once and for all, lets get independednt people in asap to look at the recordings. 100% these are authentic and you will all see. This is going to be very embarrassing for you, tell the truth or let’s do this? What does the sangat think? Can we get this arranged asap please? What he is suggesting is pretty much impossible, either the victim will look like a lying genius, or Harinder will look like a dirty, disgusting, fake baba. Please advise sangat, how can we do this asap?
5) Why are there hardly any questions from the accusing adult and it is as if Harinder Singh is doing Katha in a Diwaan? Surely from the context he is answering a number of wide-ranging questions obviously raised by the other person on the phone, i.e. the accusing adult.
5) Harinders talks a lot. The victim had asked questions, KEY QUESTIONS! But most of the time its verbal nods like yh, yh, as Harinder loves a good waffle. The victim believes Harinder honestly thought that he was believing his bent and crooked parchar, how wrong was he and Guru Maharaj will expose him.
6) Why is the majority of the accusing adults responses only "hm, yeh, hm, yeh", are these used as
he cover-up's for the overlaying process? The fact the accusing adult was able to speak so fluently during the Panthic meeting but only "hm" and "yeh" during the recordings does not add up. Where are the direct questions from the accusing adult which Harinder Singh is presumably answering?
6) As above in question 5 
7) In approximately 15 hours of telephone conversations, why have only around 40 minutes been put forward? Where are the numerous personal questions that were raised by the accusing adult and the subsequent Gurmat explanations by Harinder Singh?
7) Please prove 15 hours of telephone conversations between the 6 days of the victim actually recording him. The victim is more than happy to admit he went with an open heart to Harinder Singh for advice on phone and via text but this took a nasty twist when he was sexually abused into attempts of Simran/kissing Kaam test/curing kaam – molesting the victim. The victim feels sick this man is still planning on doing parchar.
8) Selected What’s App screenshot images were produced on paper which did not match with the actual original dialogue on Harinder Singh’s mobile phone. Not only have messages been edited and then printed on paper, but there is believed to be a ‘PhotoShop’ error on one of the entirely fabricated messages. Sangat can see this on the screenshot that has additional black space at the top notifications bar, more than the others. One lie and the entire chain is broken.
8) All watsapp messages that the victim had managed to save have been backed up. Lets compare shall we? Infact ignore print outs, lets get to the hardware asap? Just one thing to mention, Harinder at the meeting mentioned that some were on his phone and others were missing, does that mean it was somebody else texting back or Harinder? The silent sangat that were there at the meeting, did Harinder not admit he said phrases like I love you and sending hearts to the victim? Harinder seriously needs to make his mind 
t up when its him and when its not him. His statement has seriously damaged him, he should have undertaken specialist advice. Even that doesn’t take away the facts though. The victim is so confident with this, he wants the sangat to know he is telling the truth 100% and Guru Ji as his witness. The victim requests somebody please get Harinders phone or ask him to give it to the police like the victim has and lets get to the truth asap and make sure this animal never touches another person again.
Harinder, please display ALL of your watsapp messages to the sangat, and the victim will do the same? Agreed?
9) When tests have been done in recording a telephone conversation, where the person on the other side is on loudspeaker, the person who is doing the recording should have a crisp clear voice. However, the person on loudspeaker and the one recording in this scenario are both unclear. Why is it during all these recordings there is consistently a buzzing noise and the whole time the sound is unclear, often with varying audio levels?
9)Just another attempt to cloud the sangats judgement, your ears have not deceived you, Harinder thing is trying to though. Again lets agree for the independent sound specialists live on Sikh channel, agreed? The victim feels that Harinder is obliged to lie so badly that he is even trying to convince his own tight circle who ‘some’ have started to doubt him
10) Where is the explanation of different types of “Simran Jugti” as given by spiritual personalities, where the accusing adult is asking Harinder Singh to refer to such explanations as “mouth-to-mouth Jugti”?
10) As for Simran, im sure you have heard the recordings, lets look at the words:
H- But obviously people want stuff like that hunnah , but its maharajas kirpa to be honest in that way, and the way you felt, all light and stuff hunnah the end of the day obviously like this is only the first step hunnah 
G- Whats the next step? 
H- Hanji 
G- What happens after this , the next stages and stuff 
H- The next stage is you have to do simran how. Hunnah. Like breathe in and out saas graas, you have to do that and I explained to you like theres so many stages and methods of doing simran, theres many methods and erm , I don’t know the word but when someone , you know when you breathe into someones mouth hunnah 
G- Yh 
H- that’s one, one is when you place your hand on someones head and do simran hunnah, the other one is when you hug someone 
G- Yh 
H- like what people do in society , like AKJ’s they hug eachother when they do Simran 
G- Yh 
H- But the mouth to mouth one, YOU CANT REALLY DO THAT WITH A BIBI!!! 4.32 mins 
G- How come? 
H- cuz people will take it other way. 
G- That was one of the things I was thinking about, you know like, you know when we were born like science says that and a fetus, initially was a guy, a man, was initially a female before a man so in sikhi it says were all equal so why cant we do that to females as well? 
H- No no no that’s fine yhh but you cant just go round to any female and do it that way. Ok some people might ok, buy you know what it is , you know aj kal people like ok, you know what happened with me and Jeevan hunnah 
G- You and Jeevan? 
H- No, with you and mee!! 
G-oh yeah , 
H- Like our singhs understand, if you go to like just say someone else, yhh, about simran they be like woahhh whats this? ISNT THAT GAY? 5.35 mins 
G- yh 
H- You na am saying? 
H- What am saying is keh, hon, you know when you start doing Simran, 
G- Yh 
H- I , I class Kaam as an energy , so you know when someone is having intercourse or anything your energy that’s being used. That energy has to be changed to Naam. 
G- Yh Yh 
H- So , you know your breathing changes , so you start breathing deeply hunnah, when your doing saas graas your breathing changes and you know by, you know when ok, chalo you know mouth to mouth in that way, hunnah your breathing completely changes 
G- Yh Yh Yh makes sense 
H- It goes longer, and it starts taking over you. And that’s kaam breathing is your swaas which goes down is kaam , swaas that goes up is Naam, and Naams is where your dasam duwar, all that that’s where its gotta go to 
G- That makes sense now yhh 
H- Hunnah so what am saying is im here to help you , hunnah but we both need to help each other to be honest 
As you can see, Harinder has some serious explaining to do. Mouth to mouth was said by himself without prompt!
11) How can there have been "5 blows in the mouth" at Darbar Sahib and then with Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa? If Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa does this, then who did it at Darbar Sahib? The reality in context is the accusing adult has added in "5 blows", Harinder Singh has never even said this word to him but is in actual fact talking about Simran experience. If one listens to this part clearly, there is a blatant cut in Harinder Singh's voice.
11) Again, Harinder says this All by himself in regards to Baba Ranjit Singh. If there is a cut, lets prove it? As said above, lets do this asap via sound specialists. The victim cannot wait! Agreed?
The victim refers to 5 blows in his mouth , which Harinder says the same thing exactly happened to him by Baba Ranjit Singh. Harinder, are you a victim yourself or have you used Ranjit Singhs name to manipulate the the young male? Please can we get Ranjit Singh to make a statement about doing this to Harinder? If you missed it, see below:
G- I dunno , you don’t understand man 
H- Just please just come, listen just come Hunnah… 
G- You don’t understand how I feel right now 
H- Your not only experienced , 
G-, its hard to explain 
H- I know I know what it is, you no when kirpa happens in that kind of way, yh? 
G- han 
H- Number 1 your thinking ? number 2 your thinkin I used to be like this that and the other,OMG what the hell just happened last night 
G- yh 
H- You cant just think of that and just leave 
G- Ever since you done that Vaheguru thing like, 5 blows in my mouth 
H – yh yh – 
G- I dunno its just my heart like 
H- like ok, you know the first time it happened to me I was like what the hell like I don’t want to speak to anyone 
G- Who did that to you the first time? 
H- The first time it happened to me audha was at Darbar sahib, the baba ji did it to me, baba Ranjit Singh 
G- Yh 
H- the same things exactly hunnah 
G- Like the blowing thing 

into your mouth? 
H- Yhhh, like that hunnah , and after that I was like flipping hell what just happened? Like I was like iv never experienced anything like that hunnah 
G- Yh 
H- and that obviously shut me off from people , I didn’t wana speak , so when I came back to England, 6 months ,I just stayed quiet and then Baba Ji phoned me said you cant do that what the hell you doing? This is gona mess you up! Cuz number 1 you got baksis happened to you? 
Number 2 you don’t even know what that baksis is like, you cant explain it 
1 is You need to explain something, one you don’t , if you leave sangat Gurbani taks about sangat keeping sangat 24/7, if you get kirpa you need to stay in that sangat and keep I within you 
G- I dunno its hard, like some vibrations 
H- You don’t need to be home , your bibi’s not there hunah 
G- My sister 
H- tomorrow go, cuz obviously its your sisters birthday , just chill with us, more singhs coming today. 
G- My sister is going to be by herself today , I cant leave her like 
H- You were gona before? 
G- yh but to be honeest I was gona go tonight anyway to be with her cuz I cant leave her by herself. By Dads doin night shift today cant like, 
H- week days she’s on her own? 
G- I don’t trust her to be by herself 
H- No, but all im saying is, that’s fine , but the next weekend you can go back home, 2 months were not
 here, you can go home whenever 
Harinder Singh, please explain!
12) Where are the phone calls when the accusing adult is continuously asking “why did you touch me” and Harinder Singh is continuously discussing the Singh’s grappling during the night in Southall?
12) Please give your phone to the police or ask for a pin code request to prove the dates and times of these calls. The victim has provided evidence which you claim is fabricated… WHERE IS YOURS??
13) In the video recording at the accusing adults living quarters, a number of Singh’s were there for two hours. During this time Simran was done and Gurmat discussions took place. During this time the accusing adult was making food and continuously joking by symbolising the food he was cooking. The food was also mentioned in What’s App messages. Why is the camera recording only for a few seconds when Harinder Singh and the lads are joking with the accusing adult just after the accusing adult is saying "ask Harinder Singh what I am cooking to eat", but the 30 minutes before that of the accusing adult (over excited at that time) detailing the food he was cooking not shown?
13) Yes the victim has the full recording. This clip was to show your Willes comment that you also admitted infront of the silent sangat at the meeting which everybody is so quiet about.
The victim feels one of the purposes of meeting the victim at the University along with Harinders friends, was to get the victims phone and delete the messages/evidence which Harinder Singh did. When the victim questioned Harinder why he was going through the victims phone, he replied by saying he needs to know he can trust him and goes through everyones phone in his Jatha. Once 
Harinder deleted the messages, he let his guard down and didn’t realise the messages had already been backed up. 
Later that evening Harinder disgustingly asked the victim ‘are you playing with yourself?’
Screen shots of the entire phone and message will be provided at the end of this response. The screen shot is taken of the entire phone before it was given in to the police. Harinder, the police have the victims phone, once again can you do this too? But before you do, remember to post ALL of the watsapp messages that mysteriously got on your phone. 
PART 4 - 
14) Why are all the audio's, videos and messages only selected parts covering topics that are being force-fed by the accusing adult and then used to smear Harinder Singh?
14) Prove it! Lets see the proof! You have seen the victims, lets see yours? Get your phone given to an independednt specialist or the police like the victim is suggesting? What do you have to lose ig you are being honest? 
15) Where and when has any “Bujjar Kurehit” been committed, where has it been confessed?
15) Infront of sangat at the meeting you admitted hitting people w’s. Willies. Also your disgusting mouth to mouth methods of simran. The victim prays maharaj exposes your dirty, disgusting cult behaviour.
16) Where are the hours of conversations when the accusing adult is getting advice on controlling the five thieves, mainly lust, and his many discussions about seeking advice on anti-Gurmat pre-marriage relations?
16) Prove it. Give the phone in please. 
17) Why are the accusing adults questions always related to "Kaam"?
17) Call 1 the victim mentions kaam first, key point to remember is you can hear the telephone ringing and the start of the call which Harinder suggests the starting of the calls are not included. Call 2 starts with the victim saying, sorry the phone cut, the victim is then possessively harassed and begged to come and see Harinder. Call 4 is also from the start of the call , and Harinder starts talking about, which seems to be the male organ , the penis? Can you clarify this Harinder? Why are you talking about the penis? Where has the victim asked you about the penis? Also at the meeting you admitted standing up the Singh’s in a line and hitting there penis, just like you have said in the call? What are you going to say next? That the person at the meeting wasn’t you and somebody cloned you? Where are all the so called Sikh leaders? Why are you silent? You all witnessed this? This suggests that you are in this together. Please come out and tell the truth. 
Take a look:
Call 4 
Harinder Singh: Hello are you alright, are you lying down? 
Victim: Yes I am okay, I’m just in bed, thinking about stuff 
Harinder Singh: So I was like telling everyone you know like about touching someone down there, ive always said to these guys that it’s the intention behind what you have about that. For example when a doctor touches it you don’t feel anything in that way 
Victim: yh 
Harinder Singh: But if you got thoughts of kaam inside you obviously that’s a kaamful act hunnah, So I don’t know if you remember me telling you when we were all talking in the car with Amo and everyone. 
G- Ok 
H- Like once I stood everyone in a line and I started smacking them with the stick 
G- When was this yh yh yh I remember now 
H- Well you know if theres an abnormal feeling, it tends to grow, yhh? 
G-: Hmm 
H- You weren’t detected by it. 
G-: Yeh 
H- I was shocked that you have been like okay, no1 you not a Singh, aint got a pag n things like that, no2 you’re not an amritdhari. So you tend to think that obviously by judging a book by its cover you would think that ok this guy would be more affected in that way? 
G- Yh 
Harinder please explain? 
18) Why are some What’s App “screenshots” showing Harinder Singh’s name and others just the telephone number?
18) The victim believes that Harinder is a deceiving person. He deceived the sangat for many years. So the victim assumed , which has now revealed to be correct that Harinder would say evidence is fabricated so the victim removed Harinders name out of his phone but not the phone number so you can clearly all see who’s phone number that is.
19) If the matter has been reported to "Scotland Yard", why has it been this long and no arrests have yet been made? Arn't such matters normally reported to the local Police station?
19) See answer for question 2 . In total there are 3 police units aware of this, You will see soon enough
20) If this adult male is over 18 years of age, how can there be accusations of grooming and paedophilia? On which legal basis have such allegations surfaced on social media?
20) A person can be groomed at any age, grooming is grooming. Speak to professionals who handle grooming and abuse cases.
NKJ during the smear exercise on social media), but why are there What's App messages to prove he had been doubting his beliefs to keep growing his hair before the "incident" date?
21) The victim does not dispute anything Harinder says before the abuse happened. Only after, as his trust was broken. Lets not divert here Harinder, proof required after the abuse took place please. 
It went to the panth because the victim does not want other sangat to be lured by Harinder and then sexually abused. But the panth minus a few, turned their back on the victim have astonishingly remained quiet 
As a side note the time is 10.08am, Sunday the 1st March 2015 and the victim has just seen a statement from NKJ on facebook eliminating the music producers names mentioned at the meeting. The victim feels this is very disturbing! For all of you at the meeting, Harinder and Gurpreet Singh both said Killa and Tru skool in the presence of Guru Maharaj and infront of the sanagt. Now they have gone back on this? So is Harinder admitting he LIED infront of Guru Ji and the sangat? This is yet another confession of a lie! His twists and changes in his statement have destroyed him. What a liar, open your eyes please sangat, he lied in Guru Jis Hazoori and asked for Guru Ji to be their himself. This is a huge violation in itself. Why should anybody believe anything else that comes out of this sexual predators mouth? 
People at the meeting, come forward please. This is not right
22) Why is it after the so-called "incident" date the accusing adult is sending a text asking "we're cool aren't we" after running away? Is he asking this in guilt after what he had done? Surely if it was Harinder Singh who had done anything wrong, he would have been asking the accusing adult this question, not the other way round. Harinder Singh, naively thinking this person had a Simran experience, was inviting him to return to Sangat and comforting him. The truth of this will be exposed in a video response from Harinder Singh.
22)The victm feels Harinder needed and wanted him back to keep him quiet and to manipulate the victims mind that what he did that night is Gurmat and its ok
23) When has Harinder Singh even once talked about doing a so-called "Kaam test"?
23) The victim has said that when Harinder was rubbing the male’s penis, the victim asked what are you doing? Is this Sikhism? Harinder said yes it a kaam test, and he can cure the victims kaam which is why the victim bought up kaam in the telephone conversation. Yes there is no evidence of the word kaam test, but take a look at some of the relating quotes from Harinder.
H- Like once I stood everyone in a line and I started smacking them with the stick 
G- When was this yh yh yh I remember now 
H- Well you know if theres an abnormal feeling, it tends to grow, yhh? 
G-: Hmm 
21) This accusing adult claims to have been put off Sikhi due to Harinder Singh after the so-called "incident" (although is still coming to Sikhs H- You weren’t detected by it. 
G-: Yeh 
H- I was shocked that you have been like okay, no1 you not a Singh, aint got a pag n things like that, no2 you’re not an amritdhari. So you tend to think that obviously by judging a book by its cover you would think that ok this guy would be more affected in that way? 
G- Yh
Also in recording 4:
H- No no no,nothing like that I told them about hitting you, TOUCHING YOU , cuz that’s not wrong, that’s why I told them , and like if it was wrong I would have hid it from everyone . You know Ajaib? Like you know Ajaib he knows how I hit singhs
G- Sorry say that again
H- You know Ajaib
G- Yh
H- He was there in London when I stood all the singhs in a line and I started hitting them
G- With the stick?
H-yh with the stick and also slapping them everything
G- what like, down there?
H- Yhh, I was like if anything happens watch hunnah
G- Yh
H- Ajaib was laughing at me but its not like
G- What happened to everyone else like , what did they do? How did everyone else react?
H- They were giggling as well but they had that faith in me , they know that im not like that
G- Yh
H- that’s what am saying like, I even talk about this stuff to my dad and everyone.
G- Yh
Once again, some real serious explaining to do. Ajaib Singh please elaborate about these things happening in your presence and you finding them funny.
Disgusting and Vile. Crude behaviour and this is a man that comes on our stages? And the elders at the meeting still remain to stay quiet? Sikh Council UK and Sikh Fed seriously need to re-asses their memebers. If the menbers came independently, then Harinder should stop using their political stance in his statement. Another error.
24) Isn't "what happens in the Jatha, stays in the Jatha" a reference to Simran experience? Where has Harinder Singh suggested this to be otherwise? 
PART 5 -
24) If what happens in the Jatha stays in the Jatha, why was naam drid and putting other people to sleep/trance done infront of a 18 year old Mona? Come on Harinder.
25) If Harinder Singh had inner guilt of any wrongdoing, he could have delayed his return or even very easily have stayed in India to avoid facing the UK Sangat. Proof of new tickets purchased and a further ticket purchased to return yet another day earlier was shown at the Panthic meeting.
25) The victim has said Mr Jaspal Singh said he was ordered back by baba Ranjit Singh to clear his name, lets not forget here , Harinder had no choice but to come back and answer because he had to clear baba Ranjit Singhs name which opens up a whole new can of worms. Don’t be fooled by Harinders point here.
26) Why has there been no involvement from the accusing adult’s family if this is such a serious and traumatising time for him? It is evident that Harinder Singh has kept complete transparency with his family and the community, is it not questionable as to why the accusing adult has not brought forward his family? The Sangat have no background information on the accusing adult and any issues he could have, an individual that has only appeared in the limelight in the last couple of weeks. Can his claims be legitimate against those masses who have known Harinder Singh for years?
26) Already answered why the victims family were not involved. The masses who have known Harinder for years clearly don’t know how he is behind closed doors, or more to the point, in bed. Or maybe they do?
The victim is sickened
27) FINALLY, the most important question is that why in all these audio recordings did the accusing adult not even once directly put to Harinder Singh the extreme accusation of being sexually assaulted? Not on one occasion is there any such direct question of a specific nature that shows wrongdoing. Not once is there any sign of disgust from the accusing adult. Why is it all “beating around the bush” and putting words into ones mouth type of conversations instigated by the accusing adult? If the accusing adult had evidence, why didn’t he ask Harinder Singh directly instead of recording telephone conversations halfway through, “beating around the bush”, putting words into ones mouth and then leaving all the rest up for interpretation, when he knew he was recording everything but Harinder Singh had no idea? Further to this fact, not on one occasion did Harinder Singh say he had done any such activity with the accusing adult or directly justifying any such activity, again, when at that time he had no idea he was being recorded.
The accusations from start to finish are totally absurd, it is nonsense at its best.
Furthermore, during the online smear campaign, a number of new allegations have been concocted. Nirvair Khalsa Jatha would like to clear this as follows:
- Punjabi Singer’s Jazzy B, Babbu Mann, Diljit Dosanjh etc have NEVER been named as being parties to the smear campaign and pre-planned set-up. No one till date has been accused. Indeed, there are certain names appearing in the cast list that are a part of or connected to the music industry, but that is still being investigated and Harinder Singh or his Jatha have never mentioned any particular persons name in particular to have any direct involvement. It does however seem the names of international Punjabi singers may have been brought into the picture in order to cover-up any possible (yet unconfirmed) involvement by any UK artists. There is also concern that a party involved in attempting to “expose” other Parcharaks in the past may be the same party that is behind this.
- It is being claimed Harinder Singh admitted to the allegations in the Panthic meeting. This is totally false information. If the allegations have been admitted, then why would Parchar have been allowed to continue? The allegations of indecent behaviour always were and always will be denied. This latest claim is absurd.
- There is now talk of allegations that other people will “come forward”, including someone from Birmingham (who has already denied even staying with Nirvair Khalsa Jatha) and a female. In the first instance it was allegations of homosexuality with a male, failing this, new allegations are probably in the pipeline involving female members of the community.
- Many other Parcharaks and organisations are now also being attacked for simply supporting the truth and standing with Nirvair Khalsa Jatha. Is this unknown accusing adult and those he is misguiding, or those who are intentionally or unintentionally supporting the smear campaign the only ones who are right? Is every other major Sikh organisation, Gurdwara and Parcharak all wrong? Rest assured, those who are supporting this truth will never be let down and the trust of the Sangat will never be compromised.
- Nirvair Khalsa Jatha are thankful to the countless Sikh organisations, respected personalities, Parcharaks and Gurdwara committees who have been supporting the truth, as well as the hundreds of messages from the Sangat. Gurdwara committees have been very supportive and rejected these absurd fairytale stories. The Panthic Management Committee at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick (plus GNG Youth) went out of their way to stress Nirvair Khalsa Jatha is free to book as many Diwaans as they want in one of the UK’s most Panthic stages.
Sikhs have to understand that almost every single Sikh Parcharak is always attacked with claims of “rape”, “sexual assault”, “paedophilia” etc, and that certain agencies unhappy with Panthic youth waking up will use innocent people as tools for their propaganda campaigns. Yes, there are certainly people out there who will have committed indecent acts in the name of religion, but we cannot label all as the same and every Parcharak should be considered on an individual basis. The plot goes deep and investigations always lead back to a few individuals connected in high places. There is no doubt that those who advocate pubs, clubs, alcohol, pre-marriage relationships etc will not want Gurmat Parchar as explained by many Parcharaks to grow and influence the future youth of the nation. Sikh brothers, even those who are supporting such campaigns perhaps with ignorance but good intent must understand these facts and learn from our history. Sikhs must look at everything with an open-mind, taking everything into perspective in a fair and realistic way. Our Parcharaks must not be demoralised without good reason.
The accusing adult convinced Harinder Singh of family problems, of hard life and of the lack of love been given to him during his life. Harinder Singh tried his best to give brotherly love, giving him parental love which the accusing adult had claimed he never had (as seen in the messages) and very closely, on his level advised him with Gurmat views in an attempt to bring him closer to Sikhi. Harinder Singh joked with him, brought him into Sangat at the same time in order to help him with issues that will not be disclosed here. At that time, it was unknown this person would use a Gursikhs innocent love against him, using Harinder Singh’s innocent and down-to-earth nature as an advantage. The victim here is clearly someone else and not the accusing adult. This so-called “Panth Dhardhi” accusing adult who doubted his Sikhi (as shown in messages) is the 
same person demanding for Harinder Singh to stop Gurmat Parchar. In reality, the altering threats from disclosing on social media, to reporting to the Police four weeks later, to a closed-door forced confession was an exercise designed to simply defame a young Parcharak using misconstrued, fabricated and twisted evidence. Harinder Singh has been used and with Guru Maharaj Ji’s Kirpa, the truth will always shine through!
27) The victim did not blatantly put these questions across otherwise Harinder would have latched on. There is obviously not going to be any sign of disgust from the victim if he’s exposing Harinder for a liar and groomer that he is. You can obviously see that in the watsapp messages and the chilled tone on the voice.
The victim has asked for Harinder to explain how the vicim put words in Harinders mouth, the filth spoke by Harinder was from Harinder in some of the examples used in this responses above. 
In terms of an online smear campaign, the victim cant control what others say online, he wants to concentrate on the evidence and get this examined asap. 
Once again Harinder and Gurpreet singh said Killa and Tru skool at the meeting, now his statement this morning contradicts that. More lies. The only thing that the Derby Singhs did was take this evidence to respected elders which was why an agreement was made to have a meeting. 
Talk about parties all you want, the victim was a young male with a phone and your lust for young males urged you forward. 
The victim does not feel the need to respond to the rest of point 27 because its full of waffle and mind diverting tactics. He would like to end on, the only smear campaign happening is hiding Harinder Singhs sexual assault and grooming
Please share. The victim has tried to answer the questions the best he can by just stating the truth. He will also make a video very soon. As for Harinder, its all words, and no doubt he will release a video statement like his mentor baba Ranjit Singh does. This is all words, the victim’s evidence is out there, where is Harinders? …Not words, or videos, EVIDENCE!!! IF HE HAS NOTHING TO HIDE GIVE HIS PHONE IN AND GET THE CALLS EXAMINDED PROFRESSIONALY

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